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A small group of inspiring future scientist, medics and engineers were invited to attend the STEMnet Conference hosted by Hampton College.

Students were in fine company, with expert guest speakers from fields across science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).  The conference was specifically for 6th form students who have a real interest in STEM pathways.  Whilst students gained an insight into speakers research and industry, they also learnt about opportunities that they will be able to tap into to support their career management.  It also illustrated to students the range and interface between STEM subjects; how the skills of learned professionals colloborate on projects.  Thanks to some inspiring STEM ambassadors which I am sure TDA will work with in the future: Katryn Connolly, BSc MSc AIEMA, from Atkins Ltd, Dr Tivadar Mach BSc MSc PhD, Base4 Innovation Ltd (Cambridge University), Alex Shaw BSc, BGL Group Ltd,, Luke Bamford BSc, Cummins Ltd and Sue Thompson BSc, MSc, PGCE, Royal Society of Chemistry.